When should the OSHA annual summary be posted?

The OSHA annual summary should be posted from February 1st to April 30th of the year following the year covered by the summary. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) mandates that employers, including those in the healthcare sector, adhere to specific guidelines concerning the posting of the OSHA annual summary. The annual summary, which is part of OSHA’s recordkeeping and reporting requirements, serves to provide transparency and accountability for workplace safety practices. For healthcare professionals, it is required to maintain compliance with OSHA’s regulations to ensure the well-being of employees, patients, and visitors while avoiding potential legal repercussions.

What is the OSHA annual summary?

The OSHA annual summary, sometimes referred to as the OSHA Form 300A, is a document that summarizes workplace injuries and illnesses that occurred in the previous calendar year. This summary, which is generated from the detailed records maintained on OSHA Forms 300, 300A, and 301, is required to be posted in the workplace for a specific duration each year. The key date for posting the OSHA annual summary is February 1st, and it must remain posted until April 30th of the year following the year covered by the summary. This timeframe allows employees ample opportunity to review the summary and understand the safety performance of their workplace. Employers in the healthcare sector, regardless of the size of the facility, must comply with this posting requirement. Healthcare professionals, given their commitment to the well-being of patients and employees, should pay close attention to the OSHA annual summary posting requirements. The annual summary not only informs employees about the safety record of their workplace but also demonstrates an employer’s commitment to transparency and safety.

The annual summary is not a standalone document. It is the culmination of a set of recordkeeping obligations for employers, particularly in industries like healthcare where the risk of workplace injuries and illnesses can be relatively high. The detailed records that feed into the annual summary, specifically OSHA Forms 300, 300A, and 301, are the basic elements of OSHA’s recordkeeping and reporting requirements.

Form 300, the Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, is used to record specific details of each workplace injury or illness, including the nature of the incident, the affected employee, the date of occurrence, and any medical treatment required. In healthcare, where there is potential exposure to biological agents, hazardous drugs, and other risks, maintaining accurate and detailed Form 300 records is important. Form 301, the Injury and Illness Incident Report, provides more extensive information about each incident. It includes the circumstances surrounding the injury or illness, the employee’s job, and the root causes of the incident. In healthcare settings, where patient care, medical equipment, and potentially harmful substances are prevalent, these detailed incident reports help in understanding the dynamics of workplace safety. Form 300A, the Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, compiles the information from Forms 300 and 301 into a single document that offers an overview of workplace safety performance for the calendar year. This form includes data about the number of cases, the types of injuries and illnesses, and the number of days employees spent away from work due to these incidents.

Why post the OSHA annual summary?

Once Form 300A has been prepared, it must be posted in a common area of the workplace where it is accessible to all employees. This posting location should be conspicuous, and employees should be able to review the summary without any unnecessary obstacles. Healthcare facilities can be complex environments with a wide range of potential hazards. Ensuring the safety of both employees and patients is not only a legal requirement but a moral and ethical obligation. Failing to meet OSHA’s recordkeeping and posting requirements can result in consequences for healthcare professionals and facilities. Employers who do not comply with these regulations can face citations and monetary penalties from OSHA. Such penalties can be a big amount, and they can tarnish the reputation of healthcare institutions.

Non-compliance with OSHA’s regulations may jeopardize the safety of employees and patients. By posting the annual summary, healthcare professionals provide a transparent account of the workplace’s safety record, and employees can take steps to protect themselves and advocate for improved safety measures if necessary.  Besides potential financial penalties and safety concerns, non-compliance with OSHA’s recordkeeping and posting requirements can damage the reputation of a healthcare facility. Patients and their families often choose healthcare providers based on factors like safety and quality of care. An OSHA violation can ruin the trust patients have in a facility’s commitment to safety.

The annual summary can serve as a valuable tool for improving workplace safety. By reviewing the data on workplace injuries and illnesses, healthcare administrators and safety committees can identify trends and areas of concern. This information can guide the development of safety programs and policies that address specific risks within the healthcare setting. The OSHA annual summary posting requirement is more than just a regulatory obligation; it is a part of promoting safety and accountability. Employees have a right to know about the safety record of their workplace, and employers must provide this information in a transparent and accessible manner.


The OSHA annual summary, posted from February 1st to April 30th of the year following the covered year, is part of OSHA’s recordkeeping and reporting requirements. Healthcare professionals must adhere to these requirements to maintain workplace safety, legal compliance, and public trust. By diligently maintaining detailed records and posting the annual summary, healthcare facilities demonstrate their commitment to safety and enable their employees to make informed decisions regarding workplace safety. This information serves as a basis for continuous improvement in healthcare safety practices that benefit employees, patients, and the institution as a whole.