Texas HB 300 vs. Federal HIPAA Regulations

Texas HB 300, a state-specific healthcare privacy law, imposes more stringent requirements and penalties than the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations, establishing additional provisions for the protection of health information within the state of Texas, thereby creating a framework that goes beyond the minimum standards set by the federal law. Texas HB 300, while aligning with and incorporating key elements of the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations, establishes additional state-specific requirements and enforcement mechanisms to enhance the protection of patient health information within the state of Texas, reflecting an approach safeguarding healthcare data that goes beyond the federal baseline.

Point of ComparisonHIPAATexas HB 300
Scope of ApplicabilityApplies to covered entities engaged in electronic transactions.Involves more entities, extending beyond covered entities.
Consent RequirementsPermits certain uses and disclosures without explicit patient authorization for specified purposes.Requires explicit, written patient authorization for non-treatment, payment, or healthcare operations purposes.
Penalties for Non-ComplianceImposes federal penalties ranging from $100 to $50,000 per violation, with an annual cap for identical violations.Imposes fines of up to $5,000 per violation, exceeding federal penalties.
Categories of “Super-Confidential Information”Recognizes the importance of safeguarding all PHI without specifying certain categories.Identifies specific categories (e.g., HIV status, mental health records) as “super-confidential,” requiring increased protection.
Privacy Officer RequirementDoes not explicitly mandate the appointment of a privacy officer.Requires covered entities to appoint a privacy officer responsible for overseeing compliance.
Enforcement and OversightEnforced by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the federal level.Enforced by the Texas Attorney General’s Office at the state level.
Implementation of Security MeasuresOutlines security requirements under the Security Rule for electronic protected health information (ePHI).Aligns with HIPAA’s security principles but may require additional measures.
Timing of ImplementationSigned in 1996, providing a long-standing federal framework.Signed in 2011, introducing state-specific provisions to complement HIPAA.
Administrative BurdenSets a national standard, streamlining compliance efforts for covered entities.Introduces state-specific regulations, potentially increasing administrative measures.
Consistency with Federal StandardsProvides a federal baseline for healthcare privacy standards.Enhances federal standards, potentially offering a higher level of protection within the state.

Figure 1: Comparison Between Texas HB 300 and HIPAA

Texas House Bill 300 (HB 300) and the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) represent legislative frameworks designed to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive health information. While both aim to protect patient privacy, they differ in scope, stringency, and jurisdiction, with Texas HB 300 imposing stricter standards within the state boundaries.

The federal HIPAA regulations, signed into law in 1996, set a national baseline for the protection of health information across the United States. HIPAA consists of several rules, including the HIPAA Privacy Rule, which governs the use and disclosure of protected health information (PHI), and the HIPAA Security Rule, which addresses the security of electronic PHI. These regulations apply to covered entities, such as healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses, as well as their business associates. Texas HB 300, signed in 2011, supplements HIPAA by introducing additional provisions specific to the state of Texas. While HIPAA establishes a federal standard, Texas HB 300 seeks to strengthen privacy protections and elevate the consequences for non-compliance at the state level. This interplay between federal and state regulations requires a thorough understanding of the distinctions to ensure compliance in healthcare operations within Texas.

One distinction between Texas HB 300 and HIPAA is in the definition of covered entities. While HIPAA primarily applies to healthcare providers, health plans, and clearinghouses that conduct certain electronic transactions, Texas HB 300 extends its scope to include any individual or entity that creates, receives, maintains, or transmits PHI, broadening the range of entities subject to its provisions. This expansion includes entities that may not fall under the direct scope of HIPAA but are important to the healthcare system in Texas. Texas HB 300 places an increased emphasis on consent and patient rights. It mandates that covered entities obtain explicit, written authorization from patients before using or disclosing their PHI for purposes not directly related to treatment, payment, or healthcare operations. This requirement goes beyond the federal standard set by HIPAA, which allows certain uses and disclosures of PHI without specific patient authorization for these purposes. Healthcare professionals operating in Texas must follow stricter consent management to ensure compliance with both state and federal laws.

Texas HB 300 expands the penalties for privacy breaches, surpassing the federal penalties established by HIPAA. The state law imposes fines of up to $5,000 per violation, higher than the federal penalties, which can range from $100 to $50,000 per violation, with an annual cap for identical violations. This divergence in penalty structures highlights the importance for healthcare entities operating in Texas to adhere to the state-specific requirements to mitigate financial and reputational risks associated with non-compliance. Texas HB 300 also introduces the concept of “super-confidential information,” including certain sensitive details such as a patient’s HIV status, mental health records, and genetic information. While HIPAA recognizes the importance of safeguarding all PHI, Texas HB 300 singles out these specific categories for increased protection, demanding an even greater degree of caution and security measures when handling such information within the state.

Texas HB 300 mandates that covered entities appoint a privacy officer responsible for ensuring compliance with the state law, an additional administrative requirement not explicitly defined by HIPAA. This designated privacy officer plays an important role in overseeing privacy policies, facilitating training programs, and serving as a point of contact for privacy-related inquiries, adding a layer of organizational accountability specific to the Texan healthcare landscape.


While both Texas HB 300 and HIPAA share the goal of safeguarding patient privacy and health information, the distinction between the two regulatory frameworks requires stricter compliance for healthcare professionals in Texas. Texas HB 300 extends the regulatory landscape, including more entities, imposing more stringent consent requirements, introducing higher penalties, designating specific categories as “super-confidential,” and mandating the appointment of a privacy officer. Healthcare entities operating in Texas must therefore have a complete understanding of both federal and Texas HB 300 regulations for compliance and prioritize the security and privacy of patient information in this healthcare system.