Texas HB 300 Data Breaches

Texas HB 300, also known as the Texas Identity Theft Enforcement and Protection Act, is a state law that mandates organizations to implement reasonable procedures and security measures to protect sensitive personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or acquisition, and requires them to notify affected individuals in the event of a data breach, with non-compliance subject to penalties and enforcement by the Texas Attorney General. Signed into law to address the increasing threats posed by data breaches, this legislation imposes strict requirements on entities, particularly those in the healthcare sector, to strengthen their data protection mechanisms and mitigate the adverse consequences of unauthorized access, disclosure, or acquisition of personal information.

Texas HB 300 establishes a set of provisions aimed at promoting the security and confidentiality of personal information. This legal framework acknowledges the evolving cybersecurity threats and seeks to ensure that entities entrusted with sensitive data adhere to the standards in safeguarding such information. The implications of this legislation are particularly pertinent to healthcare professionals, given the nature of the data they handle, including medical records, billing information, and other personally identifiable information (PII).

Texas HB 300 requires covered entities such as healthcare providers and related organizations, to implement and maintain reasonable procedures and security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or acquisition. This mandate highlights the legislative intent to adopt a preventative approach to data security. Healthcare professionals must diligently assess their existing data protection protocols and implement measures commensurate with the sensitivity of the information under their scope.

The legislation defines specific elements that must be incorporated into these security measures. These include, but are not limited to, the encryption of sensitive personal information during transmission and storage, the establishment of secure methods for disposal of records containing personal information, and the implementation of access controls to restrict unauthorized individuals from accessing such information. Complying with these stipulations requires a review of existing technological infrastructure, and upgrades or enhancements to ensure alignment with the legislative requirements.

Texas HB 300 obliges covered entities to promptly investigate and respond to security incidents and data breaches. In the event of a breach, healthcare professionals need to conduct a thorough assessment of the incident, including its scope and the nature of the information compromised. Affected individuals must be notified expeditiously, enabling them to take necessary measures to mitigate potential risks, such as identity theft or financial fraud. The notification process is subject to specific requirements, emphasizing clarity and transparency in communication. Healthcare professionals must provide detailed information regarding the nature of the breach, the types of information compromised, and the steps individuals can take to protect themselves. The legislation does not merely prescribe notification to affected individuals but also requires reporting to the Texas Attorney General, particularly in instances where the breach impacts 250 or more individuals.

Non-compliance with the provisions of Texas HB 300 carries big consequences, both in terms of financial penalties and potential legal actions. The Texas Attorney General is empowered to pursue civil enforcement actions against entities failing to adhere to the requirements, with penalties ranging from $2,000 to $50,000 per violation. Healthcare professionals must recognize the importance of strict adherence to the statutory mandates, to avoid punitive measures and to promote the trust and confidentiality inherent in the patient-provider relationship.

Healthcare data security stresses the connection between regulatory adherence and the preservation of reputation and patient trust. Data breaches can reverberate through headlines, damaging the reputation of healthcare entities, the importance of security measures extends beyond legal obligations. Compliance with Texas HB 300 becomes a necessary component of commitment to the ethical and responsible stewardship of patient information.

Healthcare professionals must approach compliance with Texas HB 300 as a continuous and changing process. The nature of cybersecurity threats requires a strategy wherein entities regularly reassess and enhance their data protection measures to align with emerging best practices and technological advancements. Periodic risk assessments, vulnerability analyses, and the integration of cutting-edge security technologies are required components of this ongoing commitment to data security.


Texas HB 300 stands as a legislative instrument in strengthening the protection of personal information, particularly within the healthcare sector. Healthcare professionals, as custodians of sensitive patient data, bear a big responsibility to meet the statutory requirements and to demonstrate diligence, transparency, and continuous improvement in data security practices. Through unwavering commitment to these principles, healthcare entities can overcome the challenges of contemporary cybersecurity, safeguard patient trust, and fulfill the goal of ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of personal information.