Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield report 840,000 HIPAA breach

In Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield, the theft of 2 laptops resulted in 840K individuals data leaked.  The two important devices were snitch between 1-3 November and employees were become aware on 4th of November about this theft. The incident was occurred on 8th floor of three Penn plaza. Blue cross blue shield adopt strict security controls to safeguard the twice Apple Mac Book pros that were packed with security wires to employee’s workplace. HIPAA healthcare provides various safeguards to protect health records. While in this case, the appliances were secure with only passwords that were not enough for security standards. Thousands of individuals are affected by this breach and BCBS is mandatory to send violate notification letter to all individuals. The two things are not certain that how many individuals are affected and how much details are in the laptops regarding each member. This would lead to extreme difficulty. A strict action must be taken to inform all the individuals about this disaster and there are probably three million subscribers that are affected. It’s quite huge number of individual and a great amount of time has been taken to notify them about this failure. Due to none clearly mention errors, again a problem occur because in 2008, 300K individual’s data were exposed due to theft. But the main reason was not clear and again, this would happen.

Staff must be properly trained about security plans so that they can implement their input to prevent several breaches. It will minimize the accidents as well. Proper risk must be evaluated in start so that it does not cause any issue in future. Blue Cross Blue Shield must adopt fine security procedures and data encryption so that threat may be minimized. HIPAA violation must be clear and reported to OCR in case of any security issues. Department of health and human service must also be notified about the breach so that they take a strict action regarding breach. Hence, the data of individuals in healthcare are very sensitive and they must be secured. HIPAA rules must be implemented in order to avoid any disaster.