A Hacker Got Access To Billing Records Of 3,365 Patients

One of the skin care experts in Atlanta stated that an information security instance has been notifies that caused the breach of billing records of approx. 3,365 patients. According to an estimation, an illegal and unauthorized person accessed the system of healthcare provider on 15th Oct 2016 while it was discovered on 2nd Feb 2017.  There was the information about the billing records of the patients and it further contained, the names, phone numbers, the addresses, medical record numbers, the date of birth, health insurance and the physician’s information. Although the hacker was unable to obtain the SSN and the financial information of the patients.

For this purpose a cybersecurity firm was hired by the Skin care expert to start an investigation and found the real cause of the breach. The Skin Car expert also took steps to secure the system and minimize the problems in future. The investigation report did not highlighted any type of misuse of the data obtained from the system using illegal means. Although, all the patients have been advised to check their records and the information if they get any sign of fraud. On 3rd April, 2017, all the affected patients were notified for the incident through mail.

The data hacking cases in Healthcare industries has been increased in 2017 by 26%

Year 2016 has not been a good year as many data breach cases has been reported this year. Department of Health and Human Services’ OCR started writing the summaries of data breach on “the wall of Shame“. Contrary to this, 2017 is another worst year as the health care incidents have been increased to 26% only in the first 3 months of 2017. OCR has got 24 healthcare breaching reports till 32st March that shows 811, 343 records have been stolen.