Fort Worth HIPAA Violation Exposes 277,000 Patients Record

Due to HIPAA breaches, huge blunders occur. In Texas health hospital, large amount of patient data are exposed due to security issues. This is because they did not follow the HIPAA rules due to which violation occur. 277K patients are suffered due to this breach. They are notifying to all affected patients who are under this and taking serious action so that risk can be eliminated. The major reason of this cause is that they disclosed the PHI. Leakage of data includes patient ID, address, Date of birth, telephone No, past record and Tracking ID. They are the primary attributes that are leaked and are highly sensitive. Business associate must be inform appropriate rules regarding HIPAA regulations; proper risk and security issues must be identified in order to be efficient. The major cause of Texas healthcare hospital is no involvement of ePHI.

Storage of data are not secured and handover to third party which is highly risky. The passage of data is kept in microfilms which is not a good thing. Microfilm was not secure and found in public easily. The contract term and conditions are not fully completed due to which violation occurs. Thus, microfilm must be kept secure by strict security controls so that it cannot be scanned or steal. As there are 277K patient records in it, it must be handled by responsible and well trained personnel so that errors can be reduced. Patient may feel secure about their records and does not feel any inconvenience. Thus, due to these violations, Texas hospital surely apologizes to all those individuals whose data are leaked over.

This would affect the reputation of hospital as well as they are not following strict HIPAA rules and regulations.  Data was sent to the company which is known as “Shred It”. Now after great losses Shred It Company assures that all the residual data in microfilm are not in their ownership and has been ended so that further losses are minimized and improved. Hence, Texas hospital improves their health strategies by implementing HIPAA rules in their policies and procedures so that security improves.