Dealing with the Communication Challenges in Healthcare

Based on the latest TigerConnect research, 52% of healthcare companies encounter communication problems that badly affect patients day by day or a number of times each week.

These communication issues are a reason for annoyance for healthcare personnel. They make it harder to organize patient care, hence resulting in mistakes with patient care. Actually, the consequence of awful communication is substantial and has an effect on the whole institution.

At best, ineffectiveness in communication leads to slowdowns that boost the expenditure of giving healthcare. At worst, awful communication increases avoidable medical flaws, doctor burnout and, in the most severe instances, it could result in death.

A large number of healthcare systems are still very much dependent on outmoded communication technology including fax machines and pagers. Teams of healthcare personnel make use of varied tools for communication and, despite having expanding mobile staffing, landlines are counted on too often.

TigerConnect research has demonstrated that communication systems in hospitals are poorly fragmented. 89% of hospitals continue to employ fax machines and 39% continue to greatly depend on pagers for communicating with specific departments, jobs or, even company-wide.

Even though new communications technology is acquired, it is usually enforced in silos. Nurses and doctors may be using new communications systems, while other hospital employees aren’t. Therefore, the maximum benefits are not actualized.

These communication challenges aren’t merely a cause of annoyance for healthcare personnel, patients are at the same time seeing them. A Harris poll of patients done in August 2019 confirmed that patients are upset by bad communication in healthcare when staying in or going to the hospital and by the procedures used by providers for communicating with them.

Solving Communication Problems in Medical Care
TigerConnect is going to conduct a web conference wherein the magnitude of the communication challenges in the U.S. medical care field will be tackled as well as the concerns that communication disconnects are bringing about.

Dr. Will O’Connor, TigerConnect’s CMIO and Jorge Jeffery, Data Scientist & Researcher, will discuss these concerns and will advise an option that is going to better communication in medical care, maximize workflow effectiveness, minimize standard bottlenecks that are slowing down patient throughput, and how changes in communication will make certain much more patients are seen sooner and the price of healthcare can be lessened.

The Webinar Details:
For Discussion: Fixing Broken Communications in Healthcare

Hosts: CMIO of TigerConnect Dr. Will O’Connor / Data Scientist & Researcher Jorge Jeffery

Date: December 12, 2019

Time: 1.00 PM Eastern Time / 12:00 PM Central Time / 11:00 AM Mountain Time / 10.00 AM Pacific Time

There will be a Q&A session after the webinar. Go to this page to register.